
Valor in the Midst of Oppression: A History of Black Military Veterans in the U.S. - Part 1

Army Sgt. LaDavid Johnson There has already been so much discussion around the death of Army Sgt. La David Johnson and the events that followed. The disrespect that the family felt from President Trump’s phone call is understandable considering the circumstances and recentness of Sgt. Johnson’s death, plus the poor word choice that the President used when attempting to show some level of empathy to Myeshia, his wife. People have discussed at length whether they believe that Trump meant to disrespect the family or that he just doesn’t care how they feel. I could go into the track record of the 45th President and attempt to show that he may not be capable of showing empathy, but I think that thing that was most poignant to me was how his seemly flippant comments are added to the long catalog of not respecting, valuing, or honoring the bravery, courage and sacrifice of African-American service members. Black Minuteman From the Revolutionary War to the present day’s long Wa